Voice Controlled Robot
1. Connections for HC-05 Bluetooth module:-
Arduino HC-05 Bluetooth Module
3.3V Vcc
Gnd Gnd
Tx Rx
Rx Tx
2. Connections for L293D module:-
Here in L293d motor driver at the top we have total 7 pins . 4 Pins are used for controlling the motor and 3 pins in the middle of the l293d module are used for powering the module.
Connect the arduino and L293d as follows:-
Arduino Pins:- L293d Motor Driver
Pin 13 M1 a // for controlling motor 1
Pin 12 M1 b
Pin 11 M2 a // for controlling motor 2
Pin 10 M2 b
Vin 12v
Gnd Gnd // providing power to L293d module
5v 5v
2. Code for Voice Controlled Robot :-
Upload the above code to the arduino.
3. Android app for Voice Controlled Robot :-
Download the following android app and install it using your playstore or web browser.
follow the below steps :-
Connect the HC-05 Module displayed in the list after you click the connect robot.
Once the bluetooth is paired , click the mic icon on the app after that a message box like tap to speak will appear and send the command using your voice one by one as foward , backward ,left and right and stop to stop the robot just by tapping the icon on the app.
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